Sunday, October 16, 2011

Hunger, Appetite, and Motivation, Part 1

We are now going to start discussing hunger, appetite, and motivation.  This information will become very useful to you as you go through the weight managment process.  Being able to differentiate between hunger and appetite and meet your appetite needs will eliminate overeating as well as bingeing.  Understanding motivation and how you can go about getting and staying motivated will allow you to get to your goal.  So, let's get started.
What is hunger?  It is a primitive, elemental sensation that is felt as a dull ache or gnawing pain in the mid-chest region or somewhat lower.  Cycles of hunger-experience occur.  A cycle iusually begins with weak contractions.  These then become gradually more vigorous and appear at shorter intervals until the height of activity is reached, which may culminate in an actual spasm.  After this, the stomach usually relaxes and remains quiet for a period of time after which it starts again with occasional weak squeezes and the cycle is repeated.

Other than eating, what can stop hunger pangs?  Chewing movements and swallowing stop the sensation of hunger.  Not only chewing or swallowing, but also emotional excitement arrests digestive functions.  It also stops the muscular actions associated with hunger.  Smoking weakens them and may completely stop them, depending upon the strength of the tobacco.  Alcoholic beverages reduce contractions.  And very vigorous exercise inhibits recurrent constrictions but afterwards they are likely to return with greater intensity.  Oddly enough, tightening your belt also stops weak or moderate contractions.  The stoppage is, however, partial and even when complete it lasts only about five - 15 minutes then the contractions reappear despite continued pressure around the waist.

So, hunger is a physical sensation with no emotional component.  If this is so, then were do all our problems with snacking, overeating, and bingeing come from?  This takes us to appetite.

Copyright 2011  Lynn Borenius Brown

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