Saturday, June 18, 2011

Three Truths

There are three fundamental truths about how we should see ourselves in relation to food.  They need to become a part of your new, thinning perspective so you can overcome your resistance to the many changes that are a result of weight management.

The first truth is that the purpose of weight management is to learn how to maintain your goal weight once you have gotten there.  The purpose is not to have you in a state of constant food deprivation or to deny you the sensory pleasure of eating.

Truth number two is that permanent weight management is achieved by learning personally-appropriate habits.  It is the personally-appropriate habits that must become your normal pattern.  Weight loss cannot be sustained if the old habits remain.

The third truth is that weight management is successful only when your attitude changes from that of haste and impatience to taking as much time as necessary for the transformation to be complete.  Weight that is lost slowly and thoughtfully has a much better chance of staying off

Copyright 2011 Lynn Borenius Brown

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